Hello Ladies and Gentleman,

My name is Talyn Santiago, a single mom Entrepreneur, with motivation and creativity being my number one asset. My experience includes e-commerce, and being a mother of 3 who won't give up. I would love to say I’m a web Guru, but I don’t think it is something one should call themselves, unless others are referring to you as one also. It’s a bit like being “amazing”. It’s up to others to say whether you’re “amazing” or not.

I have a keen interest in the many advancements being made in web technology, more specifically on the front-end side of things. I love the direction digital martketing, blogging, coding and web design are taking for the moment, and I’m glad to be a part of this era.
I've gained a lot of knowledge through the big dogs in the industry, and it all leads back to one thing... Customer engagement. Their work has educated and inspirired me to reach for the stars. Without being personal, I don't see how customers would get any value from my business. So starting a blog sounds like the best way! (estoreonthego.com)

I don't plan to flood the site with unnecessary posts. My plan is to post what I find is resourceful and useful: lessons that I have learned, the best practices, or whether secrets are being used. I will also be posting my thoughts on outdoor sporting and the positive impact it plays on our health. I hope that my interaction will provoke others to share their experiences and thoughts. After all, we only have one body, so let's use it wisely.

I know I won't win any nobel prizes for these posts, but for me letting people know about this blog and my new store are important to my success. It was fairly quick and fun in doing so! I find myself being a much better writer than speaker.
Well mates, I've finally started conquering my dream! I've set up my own blog, and published my very first one. This feels wonderful. I bet a few of my family members didn't think this day would come.

Are you wondering what took me so long? Well the excuses that I've been using are: I'm too scared of failing, I don't know where to start, I don't have the right amount of knowledge. But a friend once told me, "Stop making so many excuses, and take action." Whatever silly story is behind this blog eventually getting here, the fact is... It's FIANLLY here. I hope that you will find my resources beneficial and interesting, and I look forward to your comments. I always have room for improvement.

Have a beautiful night,